Setting Aside Time…..

I use to not have any problem setting aside time to do artwork.

I knew that I had nap time when my children were little,

and when they went to school….I had the school hours to

get my work done and doing art.

But since we began homeschooling several years ago

I’ve had to be very deliberate in setting aside time to

do my art and the other things that nourish my soul.

I love bringing the children in with me

and doing them together….love that!

But there are times you just need time to yourself.

I have to take the initiative to actually

put it on the calendar and honor it.

I haven’t been very good about that for the past few months….

and my children told me so.

They can tell. It’s not pretty.

They encouraged me…”Mom, you need to go garden or something.”

“Mom, you need to go make something.”

They can tell that I get uptight, short, sometimes withdrawn

when I don’t get to be creative.

So, last week I set aside a whole day.

I had a fun girls’ night to go to that night,

and had planned to make some wonderful concoction

to take…..but it ended up being on my art day,

and I had a decision.

So, I threw some bagged Chex Mix in a lovely bowl,

and some bagged Cinnamon Popcorn in another lovely bowl…..

and didn’t look back. I wasn’t going to give up my art time.

So, I put on my gray chucks…..

I meant business..and I was going to need traction!

I had a new art apron hanging on the easel just waiting to get paint on it….

I got my palette ready…..

played around with some fun vintage papers…..

and by the end of the day I had this…..

And my new apron is getting christened.

I had fun making some other things as well.

It was a great day. I was a better Mom, wife, person….

because I took the time to refresh.

How do you refresh?

Do you take the time needed to nourish your soul

so you can be who you are meant to be?

Or do you just go through your day and make sure

the checklist is checked off?

I’m working on that…..

I hope I am teaching my children to do the same.

I can tell when they just need time to replenish, nurture their gifts, create, retreat.

How do you do that?  I’d love to hear what nurtures YOUR soul……

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