Song of the South…..

As summer begins to wind down over the next few weeks I think one of the main things I will miss is the evening sounds….the cicadas verifying how hot it is, the crickets, the bullfrogs. I love sitting in the porch swing after dinner and just listening to these sounds along with the evening birdsong. It’s the Song of the South in the summer.

Another thing I will miss is watching the butterflies in the garden.  I snapped these pictures the other day………

monarch butterfly

We’ve planted many flowers that they love…three of their favorites are butterfly bush, lantana, and verbena.

monarch butterfly

monarch butterfly

We also make sure to have small, shallow water available for them and keep a butterfly feast awaiting……You can read about attracting butterflies here.

monarch butterfly

monarch butterfly

There are tons of them out in the mornings and evenings at dusk.

monarch butterfly

It’s so inspiring and relaxing to sit and watch a butterfly.  They are so free. Unencumbered. Graciously confident. Lavish beauty. Simply extravagant.

monarch butterflyI had a wise friend ask me one time…”Do you know why butterflies fly so free?”

monarch butterfly

I didn’t….so I waited for her answer.

monarch butterfly

She said it is because they are not judging themselves.

Love that.

Happy Tuesday~

4 thoughts on “Song of the South…..

  1. Oh, I wish I lived somewhere that I could sit out and hear those sounds and see the butterflies, it sounds so beautiful and relaxing! What a wonderful summer you must have had. Thanks for sharing your photos and the wisdom of your friend with us!

  2. Oh – those pics are so beautiful. I have the first plant, but what are the second and third pictures of?? The butterflies and the hummingbirds are the ONLY things I will miss of summer. The rest is just miserably hot here in Virginia. Love your blog…..btw.

    • Oh, I know, Debbie….most of the summer it has been triple digits here. ugh. The plant that the butterfly is actually on is a butterfly bush. The yellow and orange flower is lantana, and the other purple flower is verbena. 🙂

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