Asheville on My Mind……..

We love Asheville, NC….

and go there as often as possible!

Not too long ago we went for a few days,

and we always have to stop by the

Antique Tobacco Barn

{Not too far from Biltmore Estate}

Fun treasures await around every corner…all 25,000 square feet!

You can easily spend a day in here.

Then, of course, we have to head up the street to Mast General Store.

{Candy by the pound! Score!}

On our hike Handsome and I make I-pods…….:)

And he is an unbelievable four leaf clover finder.

This is just one out of the seven he found on our walk…..

Such a fun place—-we have always wanted to move to that area.

Still hoping.  Haven’t counted all lost, yet.

I have the mountain farmhouse decorated.

The garden planted.

A huge old barn full of fun have great antique fairs every few months.

A studio in the village…..

Where would you like to be today?

Hope you have a day full of daydreams………

4 thoughts on “Asheville on My Mind……..

  1. Asheville is a beautiful place. The place I love to escape to and dream about living is Blowing Rock. It’s only an hour away so at the very least I am hoping for a small mountain house someday.

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